Friday, April 24, 2009

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hello Ladies!
May I first say, thank you so much for taking part in this experiment. I fully believe it was God sent and that this will be a great tool that he will use for His glory!

So here's how the story goes:

I have been looking and praying for a way to connect with people. Other believers and just a way to get plugged in again since I left Seattle. I've tried connecting through the church I attend (Mariners, great church!) but I can't seem to find quite that connection I'm looking for right now.

This is where you guys come in. I felt God speaking to me during the service on Good Friday. There's been a lot of stuff going on and even more God STUFF going on within. I feel that he's been breaking me down and bringing me back to that place where I first fell in love. Refocusing my priorities and just coming back down to ground zero to meet him with nothing attached; bare bones.

God brought each one of you to mind. I know that you have great wisdom, fear the Lord and love spills out of you! I want to be able to encourage each one person individually, collectively; and be encouraged by you.